Episode 283: When Elephants Podcast
Very Bad WizardsApril 30, 2024
01:23:5396.22 MB

Episode 283: When Elephants Podcast

David and Tamler talk about Caitrin Keiper’s wonderful sprawling essay on elephant life and society and the many philosophical questions surrounding these extraordinary creatures. What kind of mental states can we attribute to them? Do they have a kind of language? Are they moral? What are our moral duties to them? What accounts for the long-standing taboo against ‘anthropomorphizing’ elephants and other complex non-human animals? And lots more.

Plus, a new segment “there should be a German word for this” - we come up with new German words for common phenomena or experiences. And a big announcement in the promo segment about the podcast going forward.

Please consider supporting a long-time listener’s attempt to get their family out of Gaza.[gofundme.com]


Do Elephants Have Souls? by Caitrin Keiper [thenewatlantis.com]